Айн Рэнд. Гордон Таллок. Карл Менгер. 

Алисса Зиновиевна Розенбаум болох Айн Рэнд 1905 оны 2-р сарын 2-нд Хаант Оросын Санкт-Петербүрг хотод төржээ.
Happy 118th Birthday!

Обьективист, Зохиолч,

Russian-born American writer whose commercially successful novels promoting individualism and laissez-faire capitalism were influential among conservatives and libertarians and popular among generations of young people in the United States from the mid-20th century.

Гордон Таллок 1922 оны 2-р сарын 13-нд АНУ-ын Иллүнойс муж-улсын Рокфордод төржээ. 
Happy 101th Birthday!

Public Choice School founder

Gordon Tullock is an economist and retired Professor of Law and Economics at the George Mason University School of Law. He is best known for his work on public choice theory, the application of economic thinking to political issues. He is one of the founding figures in his field.

Карл Менгер 1840 оны 2-р сарын 28-ны өдөр тэр үеийн Австрийн Эзэнт Гүрэний Галлициа, одоогийн Польшийн Нови Сонч хотод төржээ.
Happy 183th Birthday!

Австри Сургуулийг Үндэслэгч

Carl Menger von Wolfensgrün was an Austrian economist and the founder of the Austrian School of economics. Influenced by: Adam Smith, Immanuel Kant, Franz Brentano Influenced: Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek,